Monday, March 16, 2009

Cure for sinus infection, headache, sleep, etc etc etc

Story in regular font, and medical advice in italics.

It was raining a lot here lately, so no swimming in nice salty Ocean waters, which washes everything clean and is very therapeutic for sinuses. Plus, wind was blowing the dust around and the excess moisture just let ALL the microorganisms THRIVE! In this mold-prone warm, wet tropical climate, everything gets moldy very quickly, esp. when it rains. Everyone around here was sneezing and/or caughing.

Including me. What got me is that A/C police asked me to close the door at work. The A/C is so dirty that the room smells real bad, air is stale and smells moldy. So I just keep the door open :) As soon as they forced me to close the door - voila! my sinuses rebelled.

Sometimes sinuses can be helped by massaging tight neck muscles, sometimes one can just wash it off with neti pot (a yogi invention, looks like a tea kettle that you stick into one nostril and wash the nose off by letting the water drip - of course, you lean sideways). This all assumes that one is rested and ready to take the time to deal with this.

Well I wasn't :) My parents left and I came back from Congo camp, and I was trying to get out of the house as much as possible and continue living communal lifestyle, which meant long drives to Honolulu, eating in a rush, and pretending I didn't just come from no sleep, performing, traveling, and 6 hrs of dancing per day. Tsk tsk.

Until it got really bad and I was FORCED to stay home and rest. But even then - I wasn't getting any better.

Do you know what helped me?
First, I noticed the connection between sacrum and head - when sacrum is tight, sinuses get tight. So I relaxed my sacrum and I was feeling better. (That allowed me to keep on going out until I collapsed though :)

Second, I noticed that I simply wasn't in my body. I was somewhere else, thinking about the Congo camp and about my parents. I think I got hooked onto Congolese style music and dance. That is a significant change in my life and it took time to readjust my life views to that. It is so funny how we know - I heard Hyacinte's CD before I even set my foot in that camp, and I knew that was it. I had a great time at the camp. It took me a whole week mulling it over at home after camp to accept that indeed this is what I will be dancing and drumming from now on. But that it doesn't mean negating anything else - I still love ukulele and slak key and Hawaiian style, etc. However, I found my little niche. For now? or forever - I don't know. It just feels right. It is funny, did my parents get the wrong baby at the hospital? It is interesting, my parents have all the seeds in what I like and am today, but they are two traditional Serbs. I am not. How did I end up dancing and playing African, with an Indian guru, and Native American family and training and lifestyle??
Also, the dance/drum community is not a spiritual community, generally speaking, and is prone to "pretty dancer mighty drummer flirt and sleep together" syndrome. But, even so-called spiritual communities can be rather prosaic. However, some are better than others. Gurdjieff work, or Yogananda's groups are Real. I felt that the Congolese Camp team was real too, as much as lay people can be; and also that I am protected by my spiritual memberships. My "committee" watches very very carefully.

AS SOON AS I "landed back on Earth" and into my life right here right now, then things started changing for better.


THird, as I was reconnecting with my life and poking around youtube, I ran into the videos of Paramahansa Yogananda. Wow. That's my guru. I am not sure how I'd react if I saw him in real life - perhaps he'd be a little weird to me. However, somehow I Recognize him and that's it. I browsed through his videos and connected with him, and it felt good. I asked him and Babaji for help.

Well, Yogananda had a video on how to sleep, and I did that last night. Wow! That WORKS! I woke up completely healed. Also, since I talked with them and asked for help, I had a feeling that indeed they were helping me. Just knowing that I wasn't alone here and left to fend for myself was very reassuring. Yes, I already know that, and it is also good to confirm it.

So what is the ultimate cure for all? God. Which we get in touch with by being here now. As simple as that.

Then we also do some things like keeping clean and eating healthy food and resting, yeah, that's common sense, God helps those who help themselves.