I am so happy! Now my web page is mobile device friendly!!! SO that's why I need you to go to my web page(s) on your tablet or mobile phone and tell me how it looks - is it good? I have Samsung 5 Android, so I need testers from smaller phones and iPhones, and also different kinds of tablets.
Please share my web site, and test it out, and tell me if it looks good.
I worked all day and it was super frustrating - my web page was not optimized for mobile devices, I had no idea how to do it, then doing all the Affiliate links to make money, then my web site is SO OLD, I made it 10 years ago on some extinct website builder!!!!! so it's quite clunky and it would be REALLY NICE to clean up the code... BUt it's huge amount of work... there are zillion pages there... but I figured it out and am very happy how it turned out. I also moved my web site to another server, which is a lot faster. Yay!
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